Our past
Founded in 1940 by Winnie Davis Long Crane, the Berkshire Music School serves more than 650 students each year from more than 40 professional music educators, who teach numerous classes including chamber ensembles, groups workshops, and summer camps. The organization also hosts collaborations with other cultural organizations, social service agencies, and senior centers as well as recitals, concerts, and residencies at its historic home and venues across the county.
Our future
In 2023, Berkshire Music School celebrates 83 years of service to the community by providing quality education in music, and musical opportunities to people in the greater Berkshire community, regardless of age, race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, or disabilities. We honor our founder’s legacy by continuing to grow and prosper, while turning no one away on account of inability to pay. Berkshire Music School is a member of the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts.